Carol Bantick

Soul Midwife

About Me - Carol Bantick - Soul Midwife in Norfolk

I am a registered Reiki Practitioner, an Ayurvedic Therapist and qualified Soul Midwife.

I have dedicated my entire career to caring for people. Having worked within the NHS for thirty five years, I took early retirement to pursue a professional community carer role and study the principles of Ayurveda (Traditional Indian Healing). I received a commendation and national award for my studies and went on to publish various articles on aspects of Ayurveda.

On fully realising the wonderful healing principles of Ayurveda, I started up a holistic and motivational wellbeing service. This is successfully helping those who seek an alternative/complimentary way to good health and mental wellbeing with additional spiritual guidance should they want it.

For the past seven years, I have cared for and nursed my late husband who had Frontotemporal Dementia. During the latter part of his life, I found myself drawn to the principles of soul midwifery and felt the “calling” to pursue this to oversee his passing and beautiful transition. I am currently writing a book about our journey throughout the illness, namely using holistic and spiritual means to overcome the trauma and anguish we endured. I am hoping the content will give others the strength to carry them through.

I truly believe I am here to help others at the end of life to achieve a peaceful and loving transition and feel honoured to be able to bring comfort to those in time of need.

What is Soul Midwifery?

Soul Midwives help to transform the personal and collective experience of dying, by helping anyone facing the end of life to move towards the most tender, peaceful and conscious death possible.

We regard every dying person as the most important person in the world.

We offer a range of gentle therapies to soothe and reassure and are skilled advocates and advisors.

We are non-denominational in our pastoral support, encouraging deep conversation, with love and dignity.

Our work may begin from point of diagnosis, and continue until the final day of life, with encouragement and support for living life fully until the end.

We are there for you.

Soul Midwife in Norfolk

Let's open a conversation
07733 457950

Or contact me by email

Carol Bantick

Reiki Practitioner

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

It is administered by the “laying on of hands” and is based on the unseen “life force energy” that flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Read my leaflet to learn more.

Ayurvedic Therapist

The very essence of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian practice,  is simple: that by harmonising Body, Mind and Spirit we can ensure long lasting health and happiness achieved by creating awareness, and attending to lifestyle and diet issues.

Read more in my leaflet:

Soul Midwife

Soul Midwives lovingly assist and accompany a dying person on their journey, and can provide their services within a home, hospital or hospice. We are non-demoninational and encourage deep conversation with gentle therapies to soothe and support.

Read my leaflet to learn more

Professional Bodies

Based on the pioneering work of its founder, Felicity Warner, Soul Midwifery brings a new paradigm to death and dying. Death can be a dignified and peaceful transition in the company of a qualified Soul Midwife.

The Complementary Medical Association is a not-for-profit organisation which exists to promote ethical, responsible and professional standards  across the range of complementary medicines.